Not really. WASP was never punk nor were they true metal. They were, however, a fucking kickass rock band. Nevermind how douchy Blackie Lawless can be or how silly the band got in later incarnations. The first album and the demos leading up to it are still completely relevant to landing elbow-drops on small children. So wipe that spunk off your hands and get ready to download these rarities.

The first demo is the "Face the Attack" tape from 1982. There are apparently 3 tracks missing, all of which were from sessions for a different band, Circus Circus, that never got off the ground. I've only heard these in an extremely degraded version that was barely audible. Maybe they'll pop up one day. Check out the slick Rik Fox (of Steeler fame) artwork. Wonder if he had the 64 pack of know the one with the sharpener on the back.

Demo number two is a collection of demos that sound like they were done around the same time of the "Animal (Fuck Like a Beast)" single. They're probably from the same sessions. The production on these is pretty good...almost as good as the finished record that came out the following year.
I've also thrown in an old Sister demo featuring 'ole Wackie Walrus in his pre-W.A.S.P. band. It's actually a pretty good song, entitled "I Don't Know What I Am". Pay attention to the last section where you get a hint of the Crimson Idol record that Blackie would record a decade later.
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